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Take up in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+10Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: absorbadoptassumeborrowdrawfasten onhook onimbibelatch onlift outresumescoopscoop outscoop upseize onsoak upsop upsorbstartstrikesucksuck insuck uptaketake intake overSimilar words: make upmakeupwake upshake upmake up formake use oftakestakeMeaning: v. 1. pursue or resume 2. adopt 3. turn one's interest to 4. take up time or space 5. begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job 6. take up and practice as one's own 7. occupy or take on 8. take up a liquid or a gas either by adsorption or by absorption 9. take out or up with or as if with a scoop 10. accept 11. take in, also metaphorically 12. take up as if with a sponge 13. return to a previous location or condition take-up. n. 1. a device for reducing slack or taking up lost motion 2. the action of taking up as by tightening or absorption or reeling in. 
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121. Sometimes clothing was provided also for them to be suitably clad to take up their work.
122. In this extract Roddy's parents want him to take up a useful hobby: They tried to persuade him.
123. The distance between the two towns is only 10 kilometres as the crow flies, but it can take up to 2 hours along the narrow coastal road.
124. Nitrogen can take up to 20 years to pollute water and, therefore, is a very long term problem.
125. The lymph nodes are very painful and can take up to ten days to burst and then exude a thick yellow pus.
126. Voice over Whether or not Aldershot need to take up Swindon's offer of hospitality depends on a high court hearing on Wednesday.
127. Toby saw him take up the pile of wet flannel from beside the bath and chuck it at his face.
128. Voice over One of the big four supermarkets, Sainsbury's says it's happy to take up the gauntlet.
129. What led you to take up teaching as a career?
130. He is still considered likely to take up his post as planned, officials said.
131. Undertakers take up the pastime in middle age, but their juniors will join in to help clean up after a disaster.
132. He can come within us, and take up residence within our very beings.
133. Beds, boxes, a table holding a hot plate and a refrigerator take up most of the space.
134. It is never expected to take up demands or make a real effort to change conditions.
135. Utah's economic planners want aerospace, bio-medical and computing firms to take up the slack.
136. Digital signals can be compressed to take up less space, leaving room for additional programming.
137. Justin has an upper berth on one of two sets of bunk beds that take up most of the tiny
138. Social services take up a large part of the council budget.
139. Just one insect in fifty lives in such a way, but those that take up a shared existence may flourish.
140. I remind the House that multiple questions lead to multiple answers and take up time.
141. If the pressure becomes unbearable, take up a hobby, but make sure it is a suitable one.
142. So the Flamethrower lit up to take up the slack.
143. Still, Congress has been slow to take up arms against foolish laws that promote pollution.
144. As it stands, few serious runners are likely to take up the challenge to turn it on.
145. In some cases atoms take up interstitial positions between the ions in a crystal.
146. In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich. Henry Ward Beecher 
147. This would reduce the ability of the living world to take up carbon dioxide.
148. Drives to convince women to take up family planning use the mass media to the full.
149. Inside the library, homeless men in every condition take up many of the chairs throughout the building.
150. Freeman wants the churches, temples and mosques in the county to take up a collection Sunday for the bank.
More similar words: make upmakeupwake upshake upmake up formake use oftakestaketake fortake offtake totake ontake outtake downtake caretake awaytake overtake timetake aparttake afterby mistaketake placetake the roadtake turnstake care oftake note ofundertaketake it easytake the leadtake effect
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